Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Day Thirty-One

Dad. He's feeling good today.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Day Thirty

This is how much it has snowed in the past 4.5 hours. I went to Suzanne's at 8p and there was no snow at all and I walk out at 12:30a, and here it is. It's pretty when it's not dampering plans, but I still don't like it.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Day Twenty-Nine

Darcy and Emily--two of my favorite people whom I worked at Spring Hill with two summers ago. We met in Birch Run for some half-off appetizers at Applebees, except they weren't half off. That was lame. Here is a last minute picture, Emily really isn't that pale. 

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Day Twenty-Eight

The Elasivich puppy, Lucy. She doesn't look like a biter...but she is.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Day Twenty-Seven

Today has been warm and rainy--so weird--but Matt, Suzanne, and I took the opportunity to run outside! We're soaking wet and we look awful, but gosh it was so great to run outside for a change. What a tease you are, Michigan weather.

Day Twenty-Six

Today I went to Jeff and Melody's wedding shower/going away party and got to see Melissa Pryor for the first time in a LONG time. HOWEVER, I forgot to take pictures of both exciting events so instead, I have this to offer you. Can you find me in this picture? There's two. I didn't take the picture obviously, but I found a fun website to waste some time on: Check it out!

Day Twenty-Five

This is my family. Merry Christmas!

Day Twenty-Four

Andrea came over after church today to help me finish decorating Christmas cookies, and we invited Sarah too. My whole family got into decorating them, so that was cool. GJ made a snowman into the joker and it was actually quite impressive. haha.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Day Twenty-Three

This is how I feel about the amount of snow in my front yard. I just ran outside to put dozens of (late, very late) Christmas cards in the mail. I wanted them at least to be postmarked by Christmas.

Day Twenty-Two

Mom and I baked today. It was supposed to be a fun event with friends and my aunt, but everyone bailed for one reason or another. By the time this picture was taken, we were fed up with cookies. Hah.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Day Twenty-One

This is the first year my family had to decorate the tree without me. It's gorgeous though, isn't it? My dad planted pine trees in the back of our garden 5 or 6 years ago and this is the first year he was able to cut one down and use our own!

Day Twenty

From 75 degree weather to over a foot of snow in a 30 hour drive. You can't tell from this picture, but the snow is up to my knees.

Day Nineteen

We took a ferry across the gulf on our way back home! The weather was perfect and we saw so many dolphins. There are so many things I love about warm weather--one of them is being able to wear tshirts and shorts.

Day Eighteen

I actually loved the drywall mud. It was fun.

Day Seventeen

We went out to eat at a seafood place in Houston and I ordered chicken. I was way too hungry to risk not enjoying my meal!

Day Sixteen

The house looked so much more like a home once it became more and more dry walled, it's amazing. We met the little ol' lady who lives here today, her name is Helen and she hugged each one of us, so grateful for our work.

Day Fifteen

The water surge was about 4-5 feet in this area of Galveston. The lady who lives here lost everything, and this is what the entire house looked like after her sons had come in to rip out the flooring, insulation, and drywall ruined. Our job was to replace the drywall.

Day Fourteen

This is the entire group who went to Texas for the disaster relief trip. The two on the far left are Luis' parents, who cooked an authentic mexican dinner for us at their home in Houston! So great--and it was so nice to be in a home after such a long drive.

Day Thirteen

Apparently everyone has mixed feelings as we begin our 26 hour trip to Galvetson, TX for the week. 15 people in a 15 passenger van, plus all of our luggage. Awesome. :)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Day Twelve

Jessica Lumbreras brought her baby, Isaiah, into the Volunteer Center today!

Day Eleven

Bar night in celebration of the end of semester! I have the greatest friends--Brittany is one of them.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Day Ten

Today there are three chronological photos for your enjoyment. This is what I do when I'm supposed to be studying.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day Nine

The snow is accumulating fast outside. We're supposed to get 9 inches by morning. Amy's little truck almost didn't make it up the incline into the parking lot of our townhouses. We made snow angels in the parking lot where she almost got stuck.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Day Eight

Pancakes at Mt. Pleasant Community Church--the only thing to look forward to during finals week.

Day Seven

This is what I stared at all day.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Day Six

I had a cocktail party last night for my birthday.
I wish I had a bigger group picture but I don't. Maybe this project will help me to take more photos of more things; I always regret taking less. With photos, quantity is definitely better than quality.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Day Five

I can finalllllly go to the bar when my friends are going out!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Day Four

The Volunteer Center staff has dinner and cookie-decorating at Shawna's (our boss) house each year for Christmas gifts to on and off campus offices and organizations that we appreciate! This is only most of our staff, a few are missing.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day Three

The snow is pretty on campus, but beauty doesn't make me enjoy something any better.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Day Two

This picture is not really of the greatest quality because I took it with my cellphone, but this was the view for most of the day--sitting at Kaya Coffee Shop while I write broadcast news leads that I've been putting off all semester.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Day One -- 21!

The crew for my first legal drink. :)